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Company Management Systems as an opportunity for competitiveness

For sustainable success companies have to achieve their long term objectives, balancing the needs of all the stakeholders.

For this purpose the Company Management Systems for Quality, Environment and Workplace Safety should be orientated to build the real capability to manage and improve all the company processes and to exceed formal compliance with the standards.

The maximum benefits are achieved by the integration of the different requirements in one management system, avoiding overlaps of rules, activities and responsibilities.

Who is the client of these services

Any manufacturing or service company.

Services for Company Capability Improvement

4S provides your Company with the services listed hereafter aimed at improving the capability to achieve the relevant processes objectives.

To this purpose 4S is the partner supporting your Company to set up a lean and effective management system orientated to achieving profitability.

Maturity Level Appraisal
Company Processes Development
Methods & Processes Audit
Training & Qualification

Maturity Level Appraisal

The Maturity Level Appraisal performed by 4S concerns Quality, Environment and Workplace Safety, as individual or integrated subjects. It gives the picture of the “as-is” situation versus the minimum requirements related to the "maturity elements", for a real capability to manage and improve all the company processes involved.

The evaluation criteria include and exceed those referred to in the ISO 9000, ISO 14000, OHSAS 18000 Family Standards & guidelines.

The value added by 4S is an analysis of all the company processes in order to promote the lean integration of the different management systems and achieve the company "sustainable success".

Further aspects impacting on company performance can be evaluated, e.g. company "psycho-social wellness".

All the Maturity Level Appraisals are tailored to the company characteristics such as size, organization and activity sector.

Company Processes Development

On the basis of the results of the Maturity Level Appraisal 4S can help your Company to grow the ability to reach, control and improve its performance.

The service provided is a support to:

  • identify the actions required to fill the gaps related to the maturity elements evaluated, in terms of organization, methods and tools
  • implement the actions, by operational activities
  • monitor the progress with KPI, to check if the targeted levels are achieved.

The processes addressed are those involved in the Management Systems for Quality, Environment and Workplace Safety.

A further service is to develop the documentation of the Management Systems for Quality, Environment and Workplace Safety, either as individual systems or integrated in one system.

The Management Systems will be

  • tailored to your Company
  • lean, pragmatic and not bureaucratic
  • with added value for profitability
  • effective for those seeking added value Certifications according to the relevant standards.

The following activities can be included:

  • job descriptions and competences mapping
  • development of the processes for product liability management to assure product safety and protect from faulty products.

Methods & Processes Audit

During the development of the management system concerned, 4S performs audits to monitor the implementation progress and propose corrective actions. The reference for the audits is the gaps identified in the Maturity Level Appraisal.

KPI monitoring is also continuously performed.

Training and Qualification

To complement the actions required to implement a management system or to integrate more management systems, 4S provides training programs. The aim of the programs is to increase the required competences and spread the culture in a specific technical area or to qualify the personnel for specific roles.